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Compass Pointing North

Erasmus+ My Compass

Optimizing students' orientation

About Erasmus+ My Compass

Innovative Career Consultanting

This is a Erasmus+ KA220 project in which 5 organisations from 4 different European countries cooperate in order to produce a students' orientation toolkit. 

The organisations are the following:

Eulab Consulting  (Roma, Italy) - training organisation

Istituto Omnicomprensivo Orte (Orte, VT, Italy) - coordinator school

53rd Lyceum of Athens (Athens, Greece) - partner school

Liceul Teoretic "Ovidius" (Constanta, Romania) - partner school

Agrupamento de Escolas José Saramago (Poceirão, Palmela, Portugal) - partner school

Hot Air Balloons





5 organisations

40 teachers

100 students

1 Erasmus+ project

Classroom Lecture

Ἡ παιδεία, καθάπερ εὐδαίμων χώρα, πάντα τ’ ἀγαθά φέρει.

Education provides all the goods, like a fertile land does.


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Erasmus+ 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000156174 

My Compass

long-term benefits for the students


international training experience

personal strenghts

professional interests

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project no. Erasmus+ 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000156174.

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Erasmus+ My Compass

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